The educational goals of the program of studies focus on acquiring theoretical and technological knowledge for preparing high level Communication professionals, who may work in a wide area of professional activities in the offline and online world. The educational goals cover in one hand knowledge acquisition in the science of Communication for working as communication experts and communication executives and on the other hand cover the rapid and continuous changes in the Communication sector, as a result of the novelties and developments in Digital Media sector, that opens new professional prospects in the Communication profession in the digital and online world. New Technologies and Digital Media create a heavy mediated communication world through developments in internet, in social media, in creation and process of digital media as well as through the rapid developments in communication devices (smartphones, tablets, smartTVs, interactive surfaces, etc). The increased communication complexity universe offers to the communication professional a wide variety of possibilities and opportunities for more creative and effective communication strategies, communication campaigns and communication activities in the modern and demanding communication professional arena. The program of studies of the department of Digital Media and Communication covers the above academic and professional challenges offering studies that combine theoretical and technological knowledge from the disciplines of new technologies, internet, media, content marketing, business administration, sociology and psychology.
According to their specialized scientific and technological knowledge the graduates of the Department, are employed in both the private and public sectors, either as self-employed or in collaboration with other scientists or practitioners in businesses and organizations spanning a wide spectrum of activities related to Digital Media and Communication and may work as:
Executives in Press Release Offices, Public Relations Executives in Enterprises and Organisations of the Public and Private Sector
Executives in Media Departments, Marketing Departments, Sales Departments and Advertising Offices in Enterprises and Organisations of the Public and Private Sector
Executives in Media companies, Communication companies, Public Relations companies, Advertising companies, and Market Research companies.
Executives in Graphic Design Companies, and/or working as Web Designers and Digital Content Developers
Creating own business companies offering services of communication counselling, web counselling, web content design and digital content management services, e-WOM management services, WebTV and Web Radio production services, multimedia digital content creation and digital content management for companies, enterprises, organizations, celebrities, politicians and other public figures.
Executives in Mass Media Enterprises, TV Stations, News Organizations, as well as executives in Public Administration Organisations, Non-Governmental Organisations, Charity Organisations and generally in organisations and enterprises that promote culture, sports and arts.
Communication counsellors in Ministries, Organisations, NGO’s, Political Parties, Politicians, Business Leaders, Celebrities and other public figures.
According to the presidential decree 287 (official gazette 257/23-10-202) graduates of the Department are accorded the following professional rights:
Designing and implementing public relations programmes for business enterprises and organizations
Designing and implementing communication programmes including information campaigns
Designing and implementing programs dealing with image creation and promotion of businesses, organisations and individuals
Participation in the design and implementation of promotional activities including product and service promotion programmes.
Formulation, organization and implementation of image related activities intended for public interest, including exhibitions, conferences and other events.
Designing and implementation of company and organization presentations (public private, non profit) using information and communication technologies.
Participation in the design and implementation of market research programmes aiming to explore the communication needs of the client and / or to evaluate the activities related to the communication programmes.
Participation in the design and implementation of internal communication programmes
The graduates of the Department can be employed at all levels of education in accordance with the existing legislation. Department degree holders can be appointed to the public sector and can be promoted in the hierarchy ladder according to existing legislation. Upon receiving their degrees, graduates of the Department are considered professionals in the context of the above – mentioned professional rights.