ECTS Information Package and Course Catalogue

  • Examination and assessment regulations

    The examination and assessment regulations are the following:

    I. For each course or part of the course offered in the form of theoretical instruction, a final written examination is taken at the end of each semester. Significant individual or collective assignments of students, worked out during the semester, may affect the final performance evaluation of the students.

    II. Students are required to participate in the 80% of the laboratory or exercise part of a mixed course carried out during the semester. One semester lasts 13 weeks as it is defined by the Greek law. The grade of a lab course or the lab part of a mixed course can be:

    • The average grade of all exercises the student has successfully completed, or

    • The grades of the tests taken during the semester or the grade of the final test of the lab course.

    III. The final grade of a mixed course is the average of the lab and the theoretical part of the course, since for both parts grades are at least “sufficient”

    IV. In the case that only one part of a mixed course has been successfully completed, the grade of that part can be secured. In any other case that a student doesn’t successfully complete a course, he/she is obliged to repeat it the following year.

    For successful completion of a course the grade must be greater or equal to five (5,00).

    According to the Institution’s Regulation of Studies, the grading scheme and grade distribution guidance is:

    8,50 – 10 : “Excellent”

    6,50 – 8,49 : “Very Good”

    5,00 – 6,49 : “Sufficient”

    4,00 – 4,99 : “Insufficient”

    0,00 – 3,99 : “Poor”

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 arrows-pack-free-psd  IKY






Technological Education Institution (T.E.I.) of Western Macedonia
Postal Code 50100, Kozani - Greece